Monday, July 19, 2010

New Blog...

Hello!! So Eric and I have been thinking about a new Lalliss Family Blog...but we cannot come up with a name. Please help us pick a new name. I don't even have names for you to pick from. What are some of your ideas??

Thanks, Jill & Eric


Jolene said...

It needs to have Sunday Sweats involved in the name somehow..... that's all I got. Good luck.

Tawnie said...

Lalliss laughs?

Tawnie said...

Lalliss life, Lalliss lingo, Lalliss lip, I know, I know Lallis live in Utah! Lalliss look into our life.....I could go on if you want

Tawnie said...

Lalliss love....puke...Lalliss looney bin.....Lalliss luck...Lalliss letters Okay, I'll stop alread!

Tawnie said...

Oh, Oh Lalliss legacy!

Jill said...

Okay, okay...thanks for the suggestions so far. I did have an idea...if we pick your suggestion there will be a prize!!

Thanks, Jill

Michelle - aka Belle said...

How about something like - "Just Us". Or maybe "Chuck's Wacky Worshippers". Or "Hey, if you want to know what's up with us, maybe you should just drag your hiney over and find out".

Hazel bee said...

Beauty and the Bassman.

Hazel bee said...

And for the prize factor...that was Amy's idea!

Michelle - aka Belle said...

I changed my mind. I vote for Jedi's idea.

gojuliego said...

Funny Amy! I love it!